10 Ways To Deal With The Negative People In Your Life

Don’t let them take you down with them.

Michele Lian
10 min readJan 22, 2022
10 Ways To Deal With The Negative People In Your Life
Brooke Cagle / Unsplash

Bad things happen every day, and it would be naive of anyone to take on the role of a Pollyanna no matter what happens to them in life.

One day you’re up and the next, you’re down — that’s just how life works.

You do your best to take things in your stride, learn from the bad when there’s something to be learnt, and move on with your life.

But for some people, every day’s a miserable day that’s filled with a determination to complain, lash out and take everyone down with them.

All of us have these people in our lives: The persistent pessimist who’s always insisting that you’re wrong; the jealous friend who can never find it in them to be happy for you when you score a win; the chronic complainer who’s always hogging the conversation with their problems.

Being in the presence of someone like that can be exhausting and extremely stressful, and here’s the thing: What if this is someone you just cannot avoid because you work or live with them?

To keep yourself sane and well-being intact, you’ll need to know how to spot a negative person and how to deal with them once they enter your orbit.

