How To Quiet Your Busy Mind

Here’s how to shut your monkey mind up and get some peace — finally.

Michele Lian
10 min readJan 17, 2022

You’re exhausted and could really use some rest.

The only problem is, your chances of getting a night’s worth of deep, uninterrupted sleep is just about as likely as it is for the sky to start raining fairies.

Sitting quietly to unwind barely helps either — you’re practically bathing in silence (or in my case, ambient jungle sounds), but your mind is still chattering incessantly at what feels like a million miles per minute.

Your mind needs a break from all this chaos, and you need it now, because all that non-stop thinking is triggering what scientists call anticipatory anxiety, or anxiety that’s centered around possible future threats.

Now you’re tired and more stressed than before — not a good combination since you’re more likely to end up in a bad place physically and mentally.

So how do you quiet your mind and finally get the peace you’re craving for?

While there’s no one-size fits all solution to calming a busy mind, experimenting can help you figure out what will work best for you.

I know it did for me.

